Basic Gear for a Hiking Elopement

Sep 6, 2024 | Adventure Blog, Elopement Resources

What should you pack for a hiking elopement!?

So your elopement includes a small (or long) hike of some sorts…and now you’re wondering what in the heck you need to pack!? Well first off, I am SO excited that you chose to elope (or have a micro-wedding!) that involves a hike. To me, it is one of the best and most beautiful ways to start off this new chapter in your life. And second, we’ve got you covered on what you need!

A quick disclaimer and a note: This list is intended for hikes of up to 4 miles total. Anything over that we do recommend extra gear. This is also a general list, and depending on where you are hiking, there may be additional needs. Some parks require you carry certain gear with you, while some terrain may have must-have gear not on this list! 


Shoes are probably the most important thing to get right. They are the difference between feeling stable and grounded, vs slipping and feeling hesitant with every step. I know that sounds a bit dramatic, but that’s because it should. Bad shoes will make any experience unpleasant. 

So, with all of that- what do we recommend? Check out our top options below. Make sure no matter what shoes you end up wearing, that you break them in before your hike. Nothing is worse than dealing with blisters on your wedding day.

Also, remember that you can always bring shoes with you to change into at the end of your hike if you have a different vision in mind for your wedding photos! 

Hiking Boots- 

These are your best option. Good hiking boots will have an outsole (the bottom of the shoe) that has solid traction, which is key. There are so many different types of boots you can get: ankle support, isolated, waterproof, etc… REI has a fantastic, in-depth guide, on helping you figure out the best hiking boot for you (we really didn’t want to reinvent the wheel on this with such an impressive guide already out there!): Whatever hiking boots you decide are right for you, make sure to have proper socks to go along with them!

Some of our favorite brands for hiking boots:



What if you don’t own any hiking boots, and don’t want to buy them just for your elopement? That’s not a problem! A good pair of sneakers can do the trick as well, as long as it’s a fairly easy hike. Here are the main things to check out about your sneakers to make sure they will work:

  • The sneakers fit the curve of your foot (they aren’t the slip-on type that have a completely flat insole)
  • You can bend the shoes a bit (grab the heel area and the toe area and push in towards the shoe to see if they bend!). If they are completely stiff and have no bend, this means that you have less control on uneven ground, which is the opposite of what you want when hiking!
  • They have good traction and the outsoles are made of a solid rubber, not a cheap plastic
  • When you tie them up, they have a snug fit
  • They are NOT slip-ons. Anything that easy to put on means it’s that easy to come right off again

Sneakers are fine for most light hikes, however if you plan on hiking terrain full of roots, rock crawls, and uneven ground, you may want to consider hiking boots that provide more ankle support. Remember we are there to help you plan your whole adventure, down to which shoes we think will be best for your hike! So if you aren’t sure, don’t hesitate to ask!

Hiking Sandals

Hiking sandals are a great option if you are hiking in hot and/or wet surroundings. If you will be walking through streams and in tropic temperatures, hiking sandals are the way to go. You don’t have to worry about trudging through water, and they are breathable! As with sneakers though, you have to be sure to get the right ones:

  • Make sure the outsoles are made of rubber, not a light plastic. A lot of cheap sandals are made of plastic on the bottoms that will easily puncture with the first sharp rock you step on. These do not provide substantial traction or protection from the environment. 
  • Buy closed toe sandals. Most hiking paths have roots and rocks sticking out, and the last thing you want to do is stub your toe/ or worse. This is especially important if you plan on starting or finishing your hike in the dark.
  • Make sure they fit well and are broken in! Having a sandal that your foot slides around in will only make you less steady, which leads to bigger chance of injury.


When it comes to hiking, it is easy to go gear crazy and bring too much…. Or the opposite, not bring enough. I tend to be the “not bring enough” person, while my partner is the “bring too much.” We do our best to use this to our advantage and balance each other out. 

Here is a list of gear that we can both agree on being essentials!

  • Water bottle- Water is a must. The amount of water you need depends on the length of the hike. One 16oz bottle per person is fine for up to 2 miles round trip. After that you would want either a bigger bottle or more than one. A couple of tips: Platypus bottle are great because they collapse once you have emptied them, but they don’t protect the water from getting warm. If you are hiking in hot temperatures, an insulated bottle may be the better way to go. Don’t bring a regular bottled water. The tops tend to be flimsy and they will burst open in your bag (ask me how I know!).
  • Small Backpack- Having your hands free while you hike is a must, so having a small backpack is the way to go! Pro-tip- grab a backpack that has a chest and hip strap. These help distribute the weight on your back and make the bag much more comfortable to wear. Also remember these bags will be in photos, so if you are going for a certain aesthetic, make sure your bags match it. And lastly, bags with MOLLE webbing on the side are great because you can attach things right to the outside of you bag, such as sunhats, your wedding dress, your wedding shoes, or a just married sign!
  • Sunglasses: This one is pretty self explanatory 🙂
  • Headlamps: These are a must, even if you don’t plan on hiking in the dark. Having light outside of your phone is crucial. Cellphone lights are not very bright, and also phone batteries tend to be drained right when you need them. Make sure to get a headlamp that has a red light option as well, which is good to use because you don’t blind anyone with it when you are in a group.
  • Small Med Kit: Cuts, blisters, insect bites, and other small injuries can happen at any time on a hike. Also, having Tylenol and IBUProfen can be a lifesaver!
  • Medications: If you are on any medications, or have any severe allergic reactions that you need an EPIpen for, make sure to bring your medications with you!
  • Sunhat: Protecting your face and head from the sun helps you not overheat!
  • Sunscreen: The last thing you want is to be burnt by the time you reach your destination! I don’t know about you, but looking like a lobster in my wedding photos doesn’t quite make my list of to-dos!
  • Bug Spray: Depending on your location and time of year, bugs can be BRUTAL! Make sure you have good bug spray to not only help you not get eaten, but to also help prevent bites from ticks and other insects that can carry diseases
  • SNACKS!: Okay this may not be gear perse… but it is just as important! We are ALL about the snacks over here. We recommend fruit that isn’t squishable (apples, pears, peaches, etc…), Dark chocolate (or an alternative for some quick energy), some nuts and granola, and something with protein (like a sandwich). We personally love the simplicity of un-crustables, a nut mix, and apples!


Dressing for the weather… and anticipating weather  changes, is key! Remember that it gets cooler at night, and that in many places rain can happen unpredictably. Clothing recommendations, however, will vary greatly based on where you are in the world. We will keep this list to the bare necessities, based on mild weather conditions.

  • Good socks and an extra pair in case the first ones get wet. Make sure the socks are at least ¼ or micro-crew in length to protect your ankles.
  • Waterproof jacket: Even if it’s not supposed to rain, the weather can change in an instant. Also a waterproof jacket can double as a windbreaker and extra layer!
  • Shorts: Shorts that are at least mid-length to protect your thighs from chafing are key for hiking
  • Pants: Types of pants will differ based on the environment you are in. For example, in the desert I prefer thick overalls to protect my legs from all the thorns. In upstate NY, I prefer yoga-type pants that I can move in comfortably.
  • Base Layers: If you are in a colder climate, base layers are crucial!

Clothes to stay away from:

  • Jeans– unless it’s a short hike, most jeans don’t have much stretch to them and can be uncomfortable for longer hikes
  • 100% Cotton– Cotton is not good for any type of moisture, whether that is rain or sweat. However cotton blends with other materials are usually fine!
  • Anything that is super tight– It’s important you are able to move your legs and arms freely, without any restrictions!

What we Provide:

We know that packing and finding everything you need can be overwhelming. Because of this, we have a gear closet and bring certain things for you. These are the items we pack for our couples for our adventure elopements/engagements:

  • Headlamps
  • Bug Spray & Sunscreen
  • Med Kit
  • Gear to make coffee/tea on the summit
  • 2 clear umbrellas
  • Picnic Needs – If you are having a picnic at the final destination, and it is less than a 3 mile hike round trip, we will pack all the necessities for your picnic, including food and drinks
  • Blanket to sit on
  • Garbage bag
  • If you are a fan of the Hookah (tobacco-only), this is something that can be requested to be brought along as well!
  • 2 Lanterns for photography
  • Elopement Items: We do also have “Just Married” and “Future Mr/Mrs & Mrs/Mr” signs, vow books, fake flowers, and a couple other small items to personalize your hike for your elopement if needed!

Where to Shop:

Most of what you need you can easily get on Amazon. I do, however, like to be able to physically see items when it comes to camping, so here are a couple of our favorite spots to shop anything outdoors:

Sierra Trading Post: This is my favorite place to shop. It is like a Marshalls (owned by the same company actually!), but more outdoorsy!

REI: My partner’s favorite is REI. They have the super high quality items, along with a 1 year return policy. So if you don’t end up using something, or you don’t love it like you thought you would, you can return it!

Hiking boots and sandals are the one item I would make sure to buy from a reputable store, and get in person so you can try them on and see what fits your feet the best!


If you ever considered an elopement that includes a small hike, but aren’t sure where to even begin, I hope this packing list helps! We will be with you every step of the way to make sure you have what you need to make your elopement memorable for all the right reasons.


About Us

Oh hey there beautiful human! My name is Jolana, and I am the owner and lead photographer of this adventurous business you landed on! My partner and I are huge fans of anything outdoors and everything that gets you heart going. Give us heights, skydiving, stunning scenery, and all the local foods! Learn a bit more about us by clicking the button below! 🙂