Boudoir Photography Exhibition

About the Exhibition

This exhibition contains black and white and color photographs taken by Jolana Babackova Hollister, a New York State based photographer. They depict the beauty of every day women through the lens of her camera.

Joining Jolana is her mother and sister as guests of her show. Drahomira Nemcova, her mother, will have a few of her abstract drawings on display, along with a book signing for her newly published book of comical short stories based on her life: UŽ BYLO V PODKRUŠNOHOŘÍ DOST SLZ –> “Enough tears have been shed under the Krkonos Mountains”

Kristina Klima is an amazing illustrator and talented artist in general, and will have a couple of her drawins on display. This includes her self-portrait.

About the Artist:

Jolana Babackova Hollister grew up in the Bohemian Paradise in Czech Republic and currently resides in Upstate New York where she owns her own photography studio: The Photography Experience, LLC. Her passion is in the field of boudoir, where she helps every day women see the beauty in themselves that they believe to have lost.

Jolana’s Philosophy:

“The human body- its curves, markings, wrinkles, scars, and all its intricacies- creates a canvas of the life we have lived. Our body is a powerful and beautiful reminder of the battles we have won; of the warriors that we are. We should not feel the need to hide it because it doesn’t fit the unachievable standards society has created for us. Instead, we should be proud of our scars. Be proud of the battles and challenges we have overcome. And accept our body no matter how imperfect it feels to us.

Boudoir photography, to me, is what helps us not only accept the body we have, but it helps us fall back in love with it. It empowers us to challenge what the “perfect” body is and kick all the expectations put on us by media, magazines, and society to the curb. We are each created uniquely, and that is what should be celebrated. Let’s take back out self-image and confidence, and dare to love our bodies the way they are right in this moment.”

Please visit  Jolana’s Boudoir specific website for infortmation on booking a session:

or email her directly below with any questons or !